Adoption,  family,  Parenthood

Lessons from 2 years of being “Mommy”

Today, 25 September 2017, is exactly 2 years since I became a mom. It has been 2 years filled with love, joy, adventure and fun.

One of the things I have learnt in the past 2 years is thatI may not always have time for everything I want to do. But that’s ok, because I always have time for my little prince, all the while learning make some time for me. I’ve learnt this, because it’s been a while since I blogged. But I have constantly been thinking of things I’d like to say, questions I’d like to ask and stories I’d like to share, right here in my little corner of the web. I’d love to get into a proper routine, where I have the time and energy to focus on things like my blog. And I’m working on this routine. But it will never take priority ove my time with my Noah!

I’ve learnt that if he falls and doesn’t cry, he’s alright! No need to panic, no matter how much I may be freaking out inside.

I’ve learnt to speak toddler. Well, actually, I’ve learnt to speak “My Toddler”. Some words I’ve learnt include: weeties, motto sauce, bisbit (biscuit), Lightning A Keen, tuck (stuck – although he used to replace the st sound with a k 😳), ampoline, tooting and oosh (when throwing a playful punch at dad). And these are just the words I can remember off the top of my head!

I’ve learnt that if he doesn’t eat his daily portion of fresh fruit and veg, that’s ok. If the most nutritious thing he has eaten all day is one cup of yoghurt, it’s alright. Simply because, tomorrow the wind may blow in the right direction, and he will virtually inhale all the fruit and veg I put in front of him.

ve learnt to pick my battles. Sometimes, he will stay up later than usual, watching cartoons. Some days we skip bath time. Sometimes, he'll just get the sweet. And it's purely because mom and dad do not have the energy for the fight. We accept that. And we move on.

I'm constantly learning how to handle tantrums. I've learnt how to identify just a normal tantrum, or if the meltdown is something deeper. I've also learnt what works best for us when handling a tantrum. As much as I don't like to see my child crying, I know that while in the throws of a tantrum, it's ok to let him cry for a bit. But I also know when it's time to cuddle and love and talk through the feelings of the moment.

I’ve learnt how to play with cars, trains and planes and super hero figurines. I’ve learnt how to wrestle.

The most important thing I have learnt over the last 2 years though, is that the bond between a mother and her child runs deep, and is a forever bond. The love between Noah and I is pure and deep and beautiful. I cherish my son. I love everything about him. And I love adoption. I am so thankful for adoption, because God gave me Noah through it.

What lessons ha motherhood taught you?<


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