2022 Ramblings
Here we are, two months into 2022. Full disclosure – this particular post was handwritten on 11 January. Here I am, half way through February, only typing it up now. I have set no goals for this year. I have no word for this year. I do, however, think I have come up with a pretty simple plan to help me navigate 2022.
I bet you can’t wait to hear what this simple, yet genius (if I do say so myself) plan is! Well, I’ll tell you. My plan has been to ease my way into this year slowly. And so far it has worked, besides the craziness of trying to juggle a primary school schedule, in amongst all the other things that need to happen in our everyday life. But I digress. I don’t really want to set any goals for this year. I want to take it day by day, moment by moment. No pressure. An so far, it’s been working for me.
Now I do know that it is not ideal to not have any goals or anything like that. I know. But last year I set a whole lot of goals, and I didn’t meet a single one of them. I don’t want to feel that disappointment in myself again at the end of this year. So I will change the word. I am not setting goals. I do have a list of things I would like to prioritize this year though. People/relationships/dreams – my thinking is, if i prioritize what is important to me, it will be a step closer to setting goals, and then actually meeting those goals.
“So, what are you wanting to prioritize this year?” I hear you asking…
I want to prioritize things that are important to me. I want to prioritize reading. And writing. The more I read, the more I want to write. And vice versa. So, my thinking is, if I plan properly, and prioritize these two things, they will have a knock on effect on each other. Does that make sense?
I want to prioritize waking up early and swimming in the sea more with my boys. Since Noah, and then Jason, started surfing lessons last year, we have been spending more time at the beach than we ever have. And every time we are there, all three of us love it. We’ve also been at the beach early in the morning, and there is nothing like it. These are 2 more priorities that go hand in hand for me. Most days, early mornings in Durban are pristine. Beautiful. Magical. And the best place to be on these early mornings is at the beach. Walking on the sand. Having a fresh dip in the sea. And who better to do this with, than my husband and son?
Most importantly, though, this year I want to prioritize my time with Jesus. I want to be intentional about it. I admit I have not been very good with this over the last few months. And that changes now. Not only will this grow my relationship with Him. But, I firmly believe it will have a knock on effect on all the relationships I value, beginning with my little family at home. The more time I spend with Jesus, the calmer, happier and more peaceful I become. Which not only makes me a better person, but also a better wife and mom. And that is what I want to be – a better wife and mom to the two most important people in my life.
This will have another knock on effect as well, I believe. You see, for the last few months our church has been doing a series around The Table, and more recently, The Holy Table. Life happens around the table. Connection happens. Bonds are formed. Relationships blossom. Jason and I have been so challenged by this series (just one of the many reasons why all three of us LOVE our church…but again, I digress!).
We’ve been challenged by this series to invite people over. Of course, all necessary C-19 precautions are in place! Invite people to a park, or for a walk on the beach, or for a picnic. Basically, identify people we want to connect with, and do that. This is hugely out of my comfort zone. But it is something we both feel God wants us to do. So I will spend more time with Jesus, and ask Him to give me the capacity to do this.
So, to sum up, prioritizing my time with Jesus will grow my relationship with Him, grow my relationship with my husband and my son and grow relationships with those around me. Wins all around!
When I think of the post I did last year all about my goals for the year, it fills me with such anxiety – I never reached one goal last year. Not one. That dress still hangs in my cupboard and still does not fit me. I never wrote any blog posts, besides the one about the goals. I didn’t read nearly as many books as I wanted to read. I will not feel shame about that though. I will work on my priorities. And who knows, maybe soon I will feel the push to set some goals. Maybe. For now, I am content. I am happy. And I will take life one day at a time.
I hope 2022 has been great for you so far, friends!

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A Thankful Heart
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Tiu are a beautiful and precious human being and so normal , love you with all my heart my angel xxx
Megan Keith
Love you too Mom xx
So good! Wishing you all the best for the 2022 year. Love love love the table and relationships.
Megan Keith
Thank you Jodie! May 2022 be a wonderful year for you as well! The table has been life changing – I feel the need to write a post just about that!