One year ago today…
Ok, so over the next few months, expect a couple more posts, all reminiscing about a year ago. Because a year ago today we were one more step closer to our lives and our family changing forever. That’s because (thanks to Facebook memories), exactly one year ago today, we were officially approved as adoptive parents.
I was sitting at church, earlier this evening, going through my memories, when I saw the reminder. And I suddenly got all teary and emotional. I started thinking about everything that’s happened, just in this last year.
The last few months waiting for The Call, planning and prepping for “Baby” as best we could.
Getting The Call, and then having to wait an entire week (the loooongest week of our lives), until we could meet our Noah.
For 10 days, getting to spend everyday with him, but having to drop him off at the baby home by 6:00pm in the evening – pure torture!
Having to get an emergency leave of absence for him from the baby home, as he was sick (a blog post on this coming soon), and the ongoing battles with his health over the months.
Learning how to take care of a 7 month old, adjusting to life as new parents, schedules, routines, teething, crawling, a first birthday, dedication and nappies…oh so many nappies!
Thinking over everything that has happened, I can’t help but feel grateful. And so thankful to God for our most precious gift yet.
Grateful for the opportunity to be a mom.
Thankful that we’re able to provide for him, care for him, love him.
Grateful to have toys everywhere,superheroes on t-shirts, bikes and cars parked outside our front door.
Thankful that everyday we get to hear the delightful giggle, see the beautiful smile, of a little boy who calls us mommy and daddy.
While searching for a quote online, to caption a photo of Noah on Instagram, I came across this verse, and after today’s Facebook memory, I keep reciting it over and over again in my head. Because every single word of it is true.
I prayed for Noah. I longed for him. I dreamt about him.
And now…I have him! One year ago, I would never have thought that I would have a little boy, as special, as delightful, as cuuute as my Noah!
*Featured photo courtesy of Danica Littleton from A Beautiful Day

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tooooo lovely Megs beautifully said from a heart of pure gold. Love u my Angel xxx
Thanks mom! Love you too xoxo