Adoption,  Parenthood

Dear Noah (part 2 of 2)

Dear Noah,

366. That is the exact number of days that I have known and loved you. Today is the one year anniversary of meeting you. One whole year! Wow! 

366 days ago, my eyes locked with yours for the first time. 366 days ago, I fell in love with a beautiful baby boy, who immediately had my whole heart. 366 days ago, I became your mom. 

What an adventure we have had so far. Being your mom, is by far, the best role I have ever had! We have had our ups and downs. Our good times. Our not-so-good times. You make me laugh on a daily basis. You fill me with so much joy. 

I love hearing you excitedly say “Mommy!” when I walk into the room. I love your hugs you give me, every time I ask for one. I love how every time I ask you for a kiss you immediately give me your forehead for kisses. I love when it is time to lala, and you want kisses, you will hold my face and repeatedly put your forehead against my lips for kisses from mommy. I love how excited you are when you wake up. Every time – you wake up with a big smile on your face. I love how brave you are. And I love how fearless you are – even when it makes me feel all of the fear! 

I love your sense of adventure – the way you explore a new environment, the way you play, the way you have fun. I love the way you move around on the jungle gyms at school, fearless, brave, as if you can conquer the world. Never lose that, my boy. I love how you know what you want. You will shake your head and say no, all while having the cutest smile on your face. 

Your smile…lets talk about that now! Your smile can light up any room, any grey day. When you smile, your whole little face lights up. And when you smile at me, my entire world lights up too. I pray I get to see that smile every day for as long as I live! It is my favourite thing to see! 

I love how you’re starting to copy everything we say. I love that you know where I keep the biscuits, and when you want one, you will point at the cupboard, and say “bis-bit pease” so beautifully. And with your speaking, comes your singing! I love how you sing in the car, even when there is no music. All daddy and I hear is your beautiful song! I love how musical you are. You love to dance, you love to “play the drums”, you sing the Barney song and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star so beautifully! 

I love how you love your Bible! Whether it’s reading your Bible, or watching a Bible Adventure, your excitement at the prospect of either one, makes my heart so happy! I pray that you never lose this excitement for your Bible. I pray that you never lose this excitement for Jesus. I pray that you will grow into a strong man of God, unashamed of the Gospel. 

My boy, to end off, here are some things I want you to know:

  1. You were planned for, wanted and loved before mommy and daddy met you.
  2. We will be eternally grateful to Uncle Skip and Aunty Sheila Collins, and their lovely team at the La Lucia Baby House, for taking such good care of you, and loving you so much, until we could meet you and bring you to your forever home.
  3. You are an integral part of our family – irreplaceable in every sense. 
  4. Whatever your dreams, whatever your hopes, you are our treasure, and we will love and support whatever you feel God’s plan is for your life. 
  5. No matter how old you get, or how big you are, you will always be Mommy’s Boy – and I reserve the right to hug and kiss you even when you don’t want to be hugged or kissed…I’m that momma bear, and I am proud of it, because I am proud of you! 
  6. Daddy and I love you unconditionally, and we will do our best to give you the life you deserve. 

I love you, my little prince, and I’m so thankful God chose me to be your heart mommy. It is a true honor and privilege to call you my son. 

I love you, 


Mommy xxx 

P.s. I know there are usually 365 days in a year,  but 2016 is a leap year, so that’s why it’s 366 days! 

Our first official family photo!


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