Moms supporting moms this Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day is this Sunday – four more sleeps! This will be my third Mother’s Day as a mom, and I cannot wait!
Motherhood has been one of the most exciting, scary, busy, up and down journeys I have ever been on. I love the fact that there is a little boy in this world who calls me ‘Mommy’. When he is hurt or sick, he comes to me for comfort. When he is excited, he comes to me for happy loves. When he needs something, he calls for me to come and help him.
Being ‘Mommy’ has been a roller coaster of good days and bad day. Days (especially in the beginning) where I felt accomplished when Noah was changed out of his pj’s and fed…never-mind a tidy house and clean Mom! There were other days where everything just went right, and I even managed to straighten my hair and put on some make up. I loved those days!
Through all the good days and the bad days, I was always so thankful for our village around us. There were (and still are, even though Noah is older now) ladies, fellow moms, around me, who helped me out on the bad days, offered advice and tips, and celebrated with me on the good days. I counted on these ladies, and still do!
There is something so special about mom’s who support other moms. I found comfort in knowing that there were ladies, both family and friends, who understood what I was going through. They understood the struggles. They had been there and done that. We all need help and support at one point or another. And when moms come together and support each other, wonderful things happen.
Enter Embrace. Embrace is an NGO based in Cape Town.
If you’re a mother or a mother-supporter, you’re part of the ‘us’. We’re reclaiming our village and giving every new mother a voice, a community and a network of possibilities.
Embrace is a national movement for connected, supported and celebrated motherhood. We want to see every new mother embraced and flourishing from the start of her motherhood journey, understanding that an empowered and embraced mother raises a thriving child.
One of the ways that Embrace works to empower moms, is through their Mother’s Day Connect initiative. Basically, there are teams of ladies, across the country, all going to spend one hour this Mother’s Day at their local government hospital maternity ward. It is “Moms supporting moms” put into action.
Last year I joined a team of ladies, lead by the lovely Sade from Disney Mom Blog, and we visited Addington Hospital. It was such an incredible time of moms coming together to wish the new moms a happy Mother’s Day.
This year, a team of ladies and I are going to be visiting False Bay Hospital. I’m so looking forward to visiting with the new moms on Sunday. It’s so rewarding taking time out of your Mother’s Day, to go and visit new moms, give them some gifts, both for them and their babies, and just love on them.
There are still some spots available at hospitals across the country. You can sign up, and RSVP to the hospital of your choice, by clicking on this link.
You can join the Facebook event here.
You can join the Embrace Facebook page here.
It will be one hour well spent this Mother’s Day!
A lesson from my 3-year-old
Mothers Day Connect 2018
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