
  • Food,  Inspiration

    Feed a child, feed a dream

    When I look at my Noah, I see a little prince, with the whole world at his feet. Jason and I often talk about all the things he could possibly do with his life. We talk, we dream, we nurture,…

  • Food,  Uncategorized

    Baker-Baker and a birthday ring…

    Friday 24 February 2017. Also known as the day the second birthday celebrations began! Noah was Baker-Baker, so we decided to have his birthday ring at the same time.  We kept the Paw Patrol theme for his birthday ring as…

  • Food,  Uncategorized

    Baker-Baker, take 2! 

    So, 3 Fridays ago, my Noah was Baker-Baker again! I’m a bit delayed, I know….but life!  For this Baker-Baker, my plan was to make little cars out of Boudoir biscuits. We had all the ingredients, Noah had his apron on,…

  • Food

    Baker Baker!

    Baker Baker…that which makes work on a Friday so much sweeter!  I work at a pre-school, and every Friday at 10:00am, one child in each class has the opportunity to be the Baker Baker – they get to bring some…